We at #LowPolyModels have created an AR filter celebrating Halloween with our #Decentraland friends and followers on Instagram and Twitter.
This fun little Animated bat is #augmentedreality
implemented via an InstaGram filter
(also works with fb but who cares).
The bat filter is triggered by our logo, using the logo as a QR code.
Our process is documented in the video below:
Advanced Specs: Aside from the animated 3D model, the AR lens includes two particle systems: one for the mist/smoke and one for the lightning. It also includes a custom node system developed by MJ to pair the lightning effect with thunder sound effects, and have them play randomly.
There are also sound effects for the bat.
The BAT's 3D model and animation was made in blender by José Contreras, edited by KJ to add the 3D glasses and toon shader, and was made into And AR Filter by MJ with #SparkAR. See The Team Here
How To Use It: Go to LPM instagram (@lowpolymodelsw) and click on the stars icon to open our selection of IG filters. There you can find LPM halloween, click to open the lens. To see the bat, you’ll need to scan our logo with your smartphone wiTh the LPM halloween filter open in IG. Best viewed as a video with the sound on. 🔊
Try it on this logo....HERE
We would love to see your media,
use the hashtag #LMPBAT to so we can see all the unique and interesting ways you use our Halloween Treat...
For more of our teams #AR filters click Here: